Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Howard County Circuit Court Election

Luke Broadwater of the Howard County Times wrote this story regarding a race that usually gets little attention, but should.

We have two judges that sit on the Circuit Court who were appointed by Gov. Robert Ehrlich. As State Law demands they need to stand for election in the next general election, which as we know if this year.

First let me admit my bias. I know Rick Bernhardt. He is a great person, as fair as a the finest day in the year. I was honored when Rick asked me to write him a letter of recommendation to Gov. Ehrlich for the position when I was President of the Howard County Republican Club. Even if I say so myself it was one of the best letters I have written, and given the subject and person I found it very easy to write. I have also had the pleasure of meeting Rick's wife, who is a public defender in Baltimore City. She too is a very impressive person. I would hope that Rick would aspire to something higher than the Circuit Court.

I don't know Louis Becker.

I have met David Titman. He was also vying for an appointment to the bench but was passed over in the selection process. So, I have to wonder, how much of his campaign is fueled by resentment. I don't know what his real feelings are regarding being passed over, but the general talk is that he was none to pleased when he didn't get the appointment. I have only met him once and he seems to be a very nice guy, but doesn't come across as real personable (certainly not a requirement for being a good judge).

Now to the heart of the story.

David Titman has pledged not to accept donations from lawyers. Bernhardt and Becker wonder "Why not?". The judicial process is the most transparent process in the land. Does David Titman really think that if a judge made an error in a decision that their political donations wouldn't be highly scrutinized in that matter?

I wrote an earlier post on political donations by developers. Developers contribute heavily to our County Council and Executive candidates - they have a right to do so as they are citizens too. I think it is fair to raise the question in the case of developers and it is fair to raise the question regarding lawyers in this case. We need to be careful and watchful of undo influence in government. That doesn't mean people who have an interest in government should be banned from contributing.

What I have issue with is this statement by David Titman:

"I think for a committee of sitting judges to send out a letter of solicitation to lawyers, that makes me feel uncomfortable from an ethical standpoint," Titman said. "It puts pressure on the lawyers. If the lawyer doesn't contribute, is there some issue the lawyer has to worry about?"

What? Is he implying that Bernhardt and Becker are on the take or could be? Seriously, questioning their integrity in this manner is really bold - to be nice about it. If he has something on them come out with it. This is simple mud slinging.

With that said, if David Titman wins a seat on the Circuit Court for the next 15 years and I for some reason end up in front of him - I take all this back.


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