Thursday, April 20, 2006

County Exec race getting crowded

David Wissing brings to our attention an article from the Washington Post about a potential addition to the County Executive race.

C. Stephen Wallis, principal of Harper’s Choice Middle School, announced this week that he is forming an exploratory committee to run for county executive.

C. Stephen Wallis, of Ellicott City, said he has not yet decided
whether he will run as a Democrat, Republican or independent.

David Wissing GOOGLED Mr. Wallis and found this.

I did find this quasi-resume for some organization called the Calvert Institute of Policy Research that lists some of his back ground. Included is this:

Education Task Force director, Ellen Sauerbrey 1998 gubernatorial campaign.

I did a little research and found this:

C. Stephen Wallis of Old Fence Road, Ellicott City, MD. He is 56 years old and has been a registered Republican since 1978

1997 he was Washington, D.C. Area School Administrator

Speaks on School Violence and is affiliated with the Heritage Foundation and is apparantly an authority on the subject.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just noticed in the Maryland Campaign Finance database that Mr. Wallis gave $10.00 to Ken Ulman in Spetember 2003.

10:13 PM  

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