Thursday, April 20, 2006

County Council Chairmanship

David Wissing and Hayduke have been speculating if it is possible to remove Chris Merdon from the County Council Chairmanship.

David Wissing thought something might actually happen at the Council meeting tonight. Since it was a public hearing on the Capital Budget and not a legislative session it would not be possible to bring up that matter then. The next legislative session is in May. If it comes up it will come up then.

However, despite the fact that the Charter doesn't permit it, I hope Ken Ulman tries to strip the Chairmanship from Chris Merdon. It would be, in my opinion, fatal to his campaign. Merdon won the position in a bipartisan manner. If the Democrats take it away it will be strictly for partisan political purposes. Merdon would take the high road, step down, and have the proper legal authorities review it (with little fanfare) because that would be the right thing to do.

Such a move would energize the Republican's to come out and vote enmass and irk the independents, which would help the Republican's to possibly win a majority of Council seats.

Go for it....


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